Features of self-relationship and viability in older teens with deviant behavior

  • Chekhovskaya M.V.

    Leningrad State University named A.S. Pushkin
    St. Petersburg. Russia

  • Rozhney D.А.

    Leningrad State University named A.S. Pushkin
    St. Petersburg. Russia


The article is devoted to the study of the features of self-relationship and viability in older teens with deviant behavior. The main personal factors are analyzed: global self-relation and viability, as well as their components; personal adaptive potential, locus of control. A comparative analysis of the studied factors in older teens with deviant behavior and cadets of experimental groups was performed. The peculiarities of the relationship between self-relationship and resilience with socio-psychological adaptation are revealed.

Keywords: deviant adolescents, socio-psychological adaptation, self-relationship, resilience, comparative analysis, correlation analysis.